Saturday, July 7, 2012

Coney Island Queen

Today it was over one hundred degrees in Manhattan, so my roommate and I decided to hit the beach. I've been meaning to go to Coney Island since I got here, so I was glad the hot weather gave me the excuse. We took the N train to its last stop. It took about an hour. As soon as we got over the bridge and out of Manhattan we started going by trees. I said to Ashleigh, "It looks like a jungle!" It was really just some straggling plants under freeways and along the tracks, but Manhattan has no wild growth like that. It was nice to get out of  the city for a day. I realized how much the Seattlite in me misses trees. Coney Island was hot and crowded. We put our feet in the Atlantic, walked along the boardwalk and out on the pier, and we even went on a ride called the slingshot. It was like a mini-vacation. Here are some pictures!
So many people in the water!

The beach with the Ferris Wheel in the background.

Strangers getting strapped into the Slingshot! That ball is attached to bungee cords and it gets flung into the sky. It bounces up and down and spins around. We got to watch a video of our faces when it was over. Unfortunately it was expensive to buy the video, but both of us screamed a lot. You can imagine.

Waiting in line for the Slingshot.

Post-slingshot drinks.
Drink up me hearties, yo-ho!

Now, bring me that horizon.

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