Friday, July 6, 2012

Independence Day

Like the rest of New York, we had the Fourth of July off. I haven't seen the streets of NYC as quiet as they were that morning. It was nice. Later in the day, my friend Sasha and I wandered out to find fireworks and ended up on a stranger's rooftop. I was connected to her (the rooftop provider) by about four degrees, but I was glad to achieve my goal of getting on a rooftop in this city. Here are the degrees, in case you are interested. I know Sasha, who is friends with Eric from the Columbia publishing program, who knows Rizzo since she is also in the Columbia program, who went to high-school with Rachel, who is staying in her sister's apartment near Union Square and has access to the roof. Rachel was very nice and welcomed us warmly to her building's roof. She even provided sushi, watermelon, and beer. It worked out well, considering Sasha and I were just planning on bar-hopping over to the west side to see the fireworks with the rest of the lowly Manhattanites who do not have rooftops. The fireworks were explosive and well executed (unlike San Diego's, I hear) and view of the city was breath-taking. I actually did feel pretty patriotic. Sweet land of liberty! 

Macy's Fireworks. We were kind of far, but up high enough to see the entire spectacular show.

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